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Quickfire sessions

In addition to plenary pitching sessions, dedicated “quickfire sessions” (QF-sessions) will be offered: online meetings of 30 to 45 minutes offer entrepreneurial teams/KTOs the possibility to briefly discuss their early-stage venture project with a small group of investors, entrepreneurs and KTO-professionals. The aim of these informal meetings is to initiate a strong interaction between the participants while discussing the (future or existing) business case. 

The respective TTO is requested to hand in the registration. A short description of the project will be included in the syllabus of the HIHR-event, to be provided to participating investors.

In all cases, continuation of the QF-sessions depends on the interest of investors and cannot be guaranteed as such. Actual take place and allocation of slots is based on investor interest and availability.

Register your QF

Do you want to discuss your early-stage venture project or business case with a small group of investors/ entrepreneurs/ KTO-professionals?

Please note that confidential information should NOT be shared on the nomination/registration form, in the summaries of the selection propositions, nor on the slides of the final pitch, as there is no specific secrecy obligation for investors/attendees or for the HIHR organization.

For whom

Potential spin-outs not ready for a investment pitch yet òr existing companies who want to receive more in dept feed back on their business case, are welcome to register.


Our online Quickfire sessions will be scheduled in the week before the live pitch event, at 9am, 12noon or 5pm and will last 30 to 45 minutes max.
Time slots will be communicated several weeks in advance.


To secure maximum outcome of these sessions and quality of our offering, we ask you to prepare your session carefully together with your KTO-colleague, in line with the following guidelines:

  • briefly present your offer (5 to 10 min max) – 5 slides max
  • define the topics that you would like to discuss with the investors, i.e. point their feedback towards possible weaknesses / market strategy / board composition / etc.
  • prepare 5 questions you would like input on from investors

Two weeks in advance we arrange a call with one of our experts to pre-discuss the scope and focus of your session.

Format QF-session

The session will be led by a moderator, one of our HIHR-experts and will follow a strict order:

  • 1 minute intro of the Quickfire concept and brief intro of the participants by moderator;
  • 5 minute explanation of the business-idea or -case (with max 5 slides) by presenter;
  • 5 minute questions from audience, specifically on the introduction (company aim should be clear to everyone);
  • floor to presenter to address the questions/topics they would like to discuss with the audience. Presenter to prioritize their own questions and discussion per topic; presenter is in the lead.

Online Facility

Default facility is MS Teams; however, it is possible to use another platform of your preference. Please inform us straight at the registrationform on any other preferences.


Registration is open to any project of our participating knowledge institutes. Deadline for submission is yearly set around the end of March and the end of September.

–> Please note that CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION should NOT be shared on the nomination/registration form, in the summaries of the selection propositions, nor on the slides of the final pitch, as there is no specific secrecy obligation for investors/attendees or for the HIHR organization.

Meet your experts afterwards at the live pitch event 

Quickfire projects are very welcome to join the live pitch event afterwards, to learn from other spin off projects  and meet the people of your Quickfire session. If you are interested in this networking and learning opportunity, then please sign up in person for the event-registration. You can inquire with your TTO contact person if any free tickets are available or whether you can join against a small fee.