Healthy Ideas, Healthy Returns is a growing platform that unites stakeholders involved in academic venture development focusing on Human Health in the Benelux.
Our informal pitch-events and Quickfire sessions are appreciated for their independent and intimate setting, extensive guidance in process and content, strategic advice and constructive feedback on focus and presentation.
HIHR events are attended by all major early stage Venture Capital funds in the Human Health in the Benelux region and the initiative is actively supported by Johnson&Johnson, UCB, Health Holland, Biotech Booster, Arnold&Siedsma and our supporting companies BOM Brabant Ventures, Capricorn Partners, Comate Ventures,, Thuja Capital, Utrecht Health Seed Fund, LRM and V-Bio Ventures.
Spin-off initiatives
Connect with investors and industry partners.
During the preparations and sessions itself you will get highly valued feedback, preparing you to connect with leading companies and investors in the medical innovation field.
Public Research Organisations (PRO’s)
Support and networking for your (potential) spin-offs.
Expert sessions, pitchtraining and webinars provide feedback for you and the entrepreneurs you work with.
Investors & industry partners
An unique sneakpeak into the upcoming spin-off initiatives from all Benelux knowledge institutes in the human health.
Spin off initiatives are selected and supported in the preperation for their pitch or Quickfire presentations at our informal events.
Public Research Organisations
- University of Antwerp
- Free University of Brussels
- University of Ghent
- University of Hasselt
- KU Leuven
- Université de Liège
- Université de Mons
- Université de Namur
- Université Catholique de Louvain
- Université Libre de Bruxelles
Academic Medical Centres
- Clinique Universitaires Saint Luc
- Liège Universty Hospital
- Saint Pierre University Hospital
- UZ Gent
- UZ Antwerp
- UZ Brussel
- UZ Leuven
- WEL Research Institute
- University of Luxembourg
- Luxembourg Institute of Health (LIH)
- Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine (LCSB)
The Netherlands
- Delft University of Technology
- Eindhoven University of Technology
- Groningen University
- Leiden University
- Radboud University
- University of Amsterdam
- University of Twente
- Utrecht University
- Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
- Wageningen University
Academic Medical Centres
- Amsterdam UMC
- Erasmus MC
- Leiden UMC
- Radboud UMC
- UMC Groningen
- UMC Utrecht
- Netherlands Cancer Institute
- Oncode Institute
- Wageningen Research
- the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) representing:
- the Hubrecht Institute
- the Dutch Neuroscience Institute (NIN)
- Westerdijk Fungal Biodiversity Institute
- Netherlands Institute of Ecology
Step in as Public Research Organisation
Science based knowledge institutes within the Benelux are welcome to join our platform and thereby support our initiative.
Investors and industry partners that joined previous events:
- Aglaia Oncology Funds
- Arnold & Siedsma
- Bayer AG
- Biogeneration Ventures
- Bioqube Ventures
- BOM Brabant Ventures
- Brightlands Venture Partners BV
- Cascara Ventures Bvba
- CD3 – Centre for Drug Design and Discovery
- Curie Capital
- eHealth Ventures
- Fondation Fournier-Majoie
- Forbion
- Fundplus
- Galapagos
- Gilde Healthcare
- Gimv
- Het Fonds’
- HTec Group
- imec.xpand Fund
- Innovation Industries
- Inkef Capital
- Janssen Pharmaceutica NV
- Johnson & Johnson Innovation/ JLABS
- KBC Securities
- Kurma Partners
- LC Patents
- Lunghealth
- Nextgen Ventures
- NLC Ventures
- Noshaq
- Novalis Biotech Accelerator
- Novuqare Pelvic Health BV
- Oncode Bridge fund
- Pharma Connect Capital
- Qbic II
- Sofinnova Partners
- Sopartec
- Swanbridge Capital
- Theodorus
- Thuja Capital management
- Tuspark Capital Management Luxembourg SARL
- UCB Ventures
- UCB Biopharma
- Utrecht Health Seed Fund
- V-Bio Ventures
- Vives
- White Fund
Joining as investor or industry partner
To secure the informal and focused atmosphere HIHR is an invitation-only based platform. If you would like to join us, we would be happy to schedule an introductory call. Please contact for a first acqaintance.
Spin-off initiatives
Since our start in 2016 over 170 initiatives joined the HIHR pitch events and Quickfire sessions.
The focus include Therapeutics, Diagnostics, Medtech and Digital Health.
Spin off projects or immature ideas receive indept feed back on their venture project and guidance in the preparation for their pitch or Quickfire session from our community of investors, coporates and KTO-experts – all with the aim to help you further developing your Spin off initiative.
Participate as spin-off
Healthy Ideas Healthy Returns aims to facilitate interaction between venture builders and accelerators on the one hand, and (future) science based spin-off teams on the other hand.
Whether you are a company, seeking your first external venture funding or only a very early stage pre-mature project that would like to receive feedback on your idea from experienced investors or entrepreneurs, you all are welcome to apply for a pitch or Quickfire session.