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→ online Quickfire sessions, 21 – 25 April, 2025

→ KTO Meet up, Antwerp May 7, 2025 – morning

→ live Pitch event, Antwerp May 7, 2025 – afternoon

For informal talks, (pre) Seed and pre-SeriesA pitching

We thank our Golden partner 
Logo of Johnson and Johnson Innovation
Our Silver partners
HIHR-16 is empowered by

Our 16th HIHR-edition will take place in April and May 2025 with online Quickfire sessions scheduled April 21 – 25 and our live pitch event in Antwerp on the afternoon of May 7, on the eve of Knowledge for Growth. We happily welcome you to connect with the newest academic Health Spin-offs from the Benelux.

(Future) academic spin off projects or established ventures in the human health are warmly invited to join our next edition.

  • very early stage ideas or venture proposals not pitch ready yet are much welcome to apply for a Quickfire session and receive tailor made feedback on any question you want to ask. These 30 to 45 minute online sessions will take place from April 21 till 25, at 9am, 12am or 5pm.
  • Start ups seeking (pre-)Seed funding are invited to nominate their proposition for a pitch presentation during the life pitch event.
  • 1 alumni project, seeking additional funding in ‘pre-series A’-stage will be selected to present their case ànd share their ‘lessons learned in their Start-up Journey’

Call for nominations now open

The deadline for handing in your nomination is set on Thursday March 27, 12 noon.

Apply for a pitch

Are you actively seeking a venture capital investment? Apply for a pitch for the upcoming event.

Register for a Quickfire session

Would you like to discuss your early phase venture project with a small group of investors, entrepreneurs and KTO-professionals?

Apply as HIHR Alumni

Are you looking for additional funding in pre-Series A? Apply for a pitch at the upcoming event.

HIHR offers a platform for researchers to connect in an informal setting with agents in the life sciences industry. Getting feedback from these experts could help you understand the potential of your technology. The HIHR Quickfire sessions and pitch-events are a great chance to bridge the gap from early academic innovations to real-world impact.


Planning pitch- and Quickfire preparation

HIHR offers comprehensive guidance in preparing your pitch presentation or Quickfire session. Experts from the industry, investment funds and KTOs offer their time and expertise for hands-on coaching and tailored feedback. A unique and unparalleled opportunity to understand the requirements of the market while learning how to apply them to your own project.

The preparation starts with two webinars, obligatory for selected pitch-projects:
– Resonating with investors, given by Jeff Skinner from London Business School, April 15, 12.00 – 13.00.
IP for start ups (title t.b.c.), offered by Arnold&Siedsma, April 17, 12.00 – 13.00
Other people are welcome to participate in these webinars free of charge and can register via this button.

Check here the other dates and deadlines:

Pitch event

KTO Meet up, May 7 – morning

We intend to organise a third KTO-meet up, prior to the live pitch event in Antwerp. The meetup will start at 10am. The venue is to be announced and the topic will be revealed in April.

–> If you have any idea for a topic, then please send your suggestion to

Registration can be done at the KTO-registration form from the first week of April onwards.

Pitch event

Programme and registration

The programme of this 16th edition will be published first week of April, which is also the start of the event registration.
A syllabus with summaries of all selected projects will be sent upon registration.
HIHR-events are ‘invitation-only’. If you would like to join us and are not on our mailinglist yet, you’re very welcome to send an email to

The Future of..
In addition to the pitches, we offer a sneak view on ‘The future of...’. The topic of this edition will be revealed soon.

Parallel to the HIHR pitch event, Flanders Bio and BioTope by VIB organise a similar pitch event on Agrifood, in the rooms next to us. We jointly offer the lunch, breaks and drinks to maximise the networking. 
More information on this invitation only-event can be found here

Pitch event

Knowledge for Growth & State of the Union

Flanders Bio offers a reduction of 15% on their conference fee for those who want to combine our HIHR event with Knowledge for Growth, the day after. It is also possible to join the State of the Union against reduced fee. You can mark your interest hereto at the HIHR-event registration form.

Venue and directions

The pitch event will take place again in the Gorilla Wing in a Room with a Zoo, conveniently located right next to Antwerp Central Station. We recommend you to come by train. 

Please enter the building at the Carnot Wing (Carnotstraat). You reach this entrance by crossing the Queen Astrid Square and then turning to the right. The Gorilla rooms are located at the 1st floor.

Check here their website for directions, parking and information to enter the building.

The State of the Union, organised by Flanders Bio and VIB will take place in the very same building, on the opposite site at the Art Nouveau Darwin Hall (to be confirmed). There will be ample time to walk from our networking drink to this room in the old part of the building.


We highly appreciate your input and feedback and invite you to share your findings via 3 questions on this online feedback form. You can give your input by name or anonymously. Thank you !